

Let’s team up and make some really awesome designs.

In our first meeting we will make sure we are a good fit for your project and that our values align. If we haven’t met yet, book your Complimentary Consultation here. We’ll discuss the project scope, timeline, and budget. Then we’ll send over a proposal, contract, and invoice for the initial deposit. Once it’s thumbs up all around – onto the first step!


1: Clarity

To create authentic designs with a purpose, we need to discover what your company does and what kind of impact the project will have. For branding, this means getting clarity on what your company does, your story, mission, values, uniqueness, the competition, and what others say about you through a questionnaire. We work together to connect the dots that will inform the decisions we make on your visuals in the next step.

2: Creativity

Conceptualizing the messaging into visual ‘sketches’ that align with your business from the research in the previous step. This can look like a series of pencil sketches, visual mood boards, and/or a few digital options and mock-ups. We’ll share the reasoning for our choices.

3: Polish

Time to choose the best of the initial sketches into more refined mock-ups. Providing options and working collaboratively to ensure your visual messaging is on-point and tested. With your feedback and our recommendations we will polish the concept into a refined version.


We’re all done editing and you’ve given us the golden stamp of approval. We neatly organize and send over all of your deliverables, hit print, or hit publish your new site. We’ll be excited to share our new creations with the world, and can’t wait to team up with you again!


Like the way we do things? Let’s get in touch, team up, and get to work!